Monday, January 31, 2005
Boombastic Radio
Check out Boombastic Radio for the best in live streaming music. Nice. Found through iTunes which also has some Trance Internet radio stations which play at 160kbps! CD Quality Streaming Trance? - excellent!
Collectormania 7!
The draft list of guest stars at Collectormania 7 has been released on their website:
As we all know, Collectormania is held at the Milton Keynes shopping centre - near where i is living.
It appears it is mainly a Dr Who reunion and stars of the Star Wars prequels. Actually - i am not really sure i want to see any of them - but i'm sure i will be struggling through the crowds with 2 crying kids, a buggy and a wife that would rather be off buying clothes!
Actually - it will be a cool place to get an odd Manga Robot type toy for my Sons 6th birthday in June!
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Security Alert!
Here a nice link for the master of all that is corrupt, unjust and recycleable, Bigfootcookie.
You probably seen it already Bigfoot, but it contains the USA National Terror alert headlines - which can make quite interesting reading! More US propaganda no doubt - but they do mention German police on there though so its not all completely anal. You can also get the code for a nifty Security Warning Status Internet Banner like this:
You can add to your site - just in case something major happens when you are reading your own blog. Nice.
How to blog!
I was just reading the nominations for the 2005 Bloggies and came across this nomination for Best Article or essay about weblogs. I like reading about Blogging - actually i am probably more into reading about doing blogging than about actually blogging. A bit like reading porno mags i guess!!
Anyway - the article is quite funny and gives some real inspiration to all you bloggers out there.
How to blog
Also see the other nominations for this category (which i will read later tonight):
New Kids On the Blog
Random Reality Bites
Blogs, Bandwidth and Banjos: Tightly Knit Bonds in Weblogging
Warning: Blogs can be infectious
Right.. I'm off to start my private personal blog. Laters!
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Exeem late night update
I have been doing some late night reading on Exeem and what people are saying about it since its release a few days ago. My opinion of the program has changed since reading these and my main points for concern are as follows:
1. The program DOES contain adware. Cydoor was dropped into my c:\windows\system32\adcache folder as part of the installation. Giant Anti Spyware detected and removed it after a scan. This all seems very familiar.....It's just like Kazaa!
2. Someone over at the Slyck news page forums has reported 2 out of 2 fake files since using the program. Just like Kazaa?
3. The rating/comment system appears open to mass abuse. Anyone can rate a file highly and then comment on it saying it is excellent - when really it is a fake. Same as Kazaa! I never managed to get the Harry Potter 2 film from there either! It was always some dodgy mask wearing swedish B&W porn film! Overpeer will be flooding the network with fakes as we speak! Just like Kazaa!
4. Exeem client crashes. I had it crash on me once already. I was trying to work out a way to obtain a list of files with seeds over 1000 - and it died on its arse.
5. The first site offering exeem: links has appeared. Not tried it yet though.
6. Rumors that Suprnova was not closed for legal reasons are rife on many forums. They are alledging that Sloncek closed the site to pave the way for promoting Exeem - for which he is being paid for don't forget.
7. Someone pointed out that even though the program and its usage are termed as "de-centralized" the system must be able to obtain its list of number of users online and the number of active torrents. Digging in the registry reveals a list of IP addresses Exeem connects to for this information. So. Not de-centralized then. However, ammending this data could make it possible for you to set up a sub-network where exeem would still run - but not be connected to the main system.
The fact still holds that Exeem is a step in the right direction with regards to the technology it uses. I got some good speeds from it during testing but the network is currently open to severe abuse. It might be faster to get the files - but when they are fakes - what is the point!
When using Exeem - use an eBay mentality. Check the feedback on each file and only go where others have gone before you.
Personally i will be uninstalling it for now. Bittorrent is still going strong after the demise of Suprnova and other torrent sites which are more than capable of filling its boots have risen to the challenge. Check out the top 10 list of torrent sites over at the P2P Forums.
On on a complete side note.... check out Toogle image search for an interesting view on things.
Saturday, January 22, 2005
500 Hits!
Just realised that i have got over 500 hits now!
Wahooo! I'm well on the way to taking over this internet thing!! lol
Exeem has landed.
I have downloaded and installed the Exeem Public Beta this morning and done a few tests.
It seems ok! At this time of writing there are 21,512 users logged in sharing 5.5 terrabytes of data. This is pretty good going seeing as the client was only released yesterday!
If you have used either Kazaa, WinMX, eDonkey or any other program similar to these then the program will be very easy for you to navigate. There are separate tabs for Searching, viewing the Transfer activity, a log window showing the background processes and a tab for showing newly published files.
Each file has been manually published into the system by the users which means that there is less rubbish on there like you may find in Kazaa for example. There is plenty of content on there at the moment - but obviously less than you will find on somewhere like Kazaa or any other established P2P network. But it is still very early days in the life of Exeem at the moment.
You can "announce" a file into Exeem to share with others by choosing Publish File Pack from the File menu which then allows you to select one file or a whole directory to share.
This is a screenshot of the main exeem download window - clearly showing a file being downloaded at a resonable rate.
A brilliant feature is that you can right click on any file in the download or search screens to bring up a list of comments that people have left which can be handy for checking that a file is good before downloading.
One thing i have noticed is that after a file has been completed it does not get removed from your download list. You automatically begin to seed the file for other users - even after closing and restarting the Exeem client! This feature ensures that the file stays active on the network for longer than it may do normally when using torrent files. You can right click the completed file in your transfer window and choose to stop seeding at any time though. If this really is a problem for you there is an option in the configuration to automatically stop seeding after you have reached a certain share level - a feature brought from other bittorrent clients, which seems the most sensible option in my opinion.
So at a first glance Exeem looks like it might be another application that could take on the P2P networks by force the way that Kazaa did after the demise of Napster. The hype is there and the bittorrent userbase is already there. Also, there is already a Lite version of the Exeem program out too which does not contain the Cydoor adware component. When i installed the official beta of Exeem, my Giant anti-spyware software did not detect anything - but i will do a manual scan later just in case.
But then again. Last night via a torrent announced at Sharelive i managed to download over 700mb in just over 2 hours! Currently my bittorrent record!
If you get Exeem, let me know your thoughts.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Portrait Avatar Maker
Just came across this website for making an MSN avatar pic whilst watching the clock - waiting for 6 to come... eek! Its here! I'm off!
Portrait Avatar Maker - Let's make an original icon!!
Friends Blogs
Check out the links to my mates Blogs on the right hand side.
But why are they all using a black template?
Am i missing something?
Actually - its nice to see you all here on Blogger. But I WAS HERE FIRST!!!
Star Wars Holiday Special
After discussing Star Wars in the office yesterday i went in search of the "Star Wars Holiday Special" show which is apparently trying to be banned by George Lucas because he is so embarrased by it. I jumped onto TorrentSpy and searched for "Star Wars" and lo... it cometh before me. After a quick overnight sleep and 700mb later it was ready.
And now i can see why he wants it banned.
Here is the plot outline copied from IMDB: Luke Skywalker and Han Solo battle evil Imperial forces to help Chewbacca reach his imperiled family on the Wookiee planet - in time for Life Day, their most important day of the year!
Throw in some bad TV sets, chronic acting, quite a few songs(!), a cartoon section and then some more songs plus an appearance of the big man-lady from The Golden Girls - who is also singing, and you have not even scratched the surface of just how bad this really is!
Instant classic! A must for Star Wars fans like me. Nearly as good as this!
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Startup Application Knowledge Base
If you want to know exactly what's running on your PC at startup, check the following website out:
Startup Application Knowledge Base
It contains a list of 4687 known programs and their descriptions - so you can identify them! I have also used a program called WinTasks Pro (which you can get on a 16 day trial from here at Filemirrors) and it does something similar - but did not appear to identify all processes i was running though. It has a handy log file section that shows as process start and stop - useful for tracking down odd things!
Just thought i would put on a little update to keep you all informed of whats going on..
Sorry - nothing to say at the moment really.
I am currently working on producing the following information:
1. Xbox transfer guide using Qwix and FlashFXP.
2. Exeem trial - with screenshots!!! (whooo!).
3. How i can get you all to donate some cash to me so i can get a 1GB iPod Shuffle. Don't know why i need one though!!
4. Finding out why i have popup windows on this blog!!
Friday, January 07, 2005
Exeem Hits the headlines - already!
BBC NEWS | Technology | File-swappers ready new network
The forthcoming Exeem program has already been getting press on the BBC website. The article also discusses the probability of the music and film companies inserting fake files into the network like they did with Kazaa. Lets hope that sites like Suprnova will host links to verified files the way they did with the Bittorrent network.
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Exeem Screenshots
Follow the link here to an article at for 8 screens of what Exeem may look like.
Site Update
Just a quick post regarding the design of this site.
I pretty much like how it is currently but will be adding a few "bells and whistles" in the near future. I have got (or re-discovered) my WebSpace from BTInternet/Yahoo so i can host images, files and things on there so ... watch this space.
I have just added a series of links on the right hand side of the screen so that you can jump direct to my current favorite sites. If people have any links to share or have a comment on the design of this site, please let me know - either via the chat window thing or add a comment under this post. Feedback is nice to get. I'm not sure if the current format for the information i am providing is best! Maybe just a series of links would be better. Let me know!
I am also thinking of adding a way that people can be emailled when the site has been updated with a new posting. Is that something you want? Let me know!
I have also added a link to download the Firefox browser too - as i am now using that in preference to Internet Explorer. Just a shame i can't use it at work really. If you are using FireFox, you can add this site as an RSS feed so it appears as a "Live Bookmark". If you don't know what i mean - you might be missing out! ;)
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