Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Just been farting around with my template again over at my TaoTest blog. After seeing the cute and excellent site design over at OrderedList I decided to take mine to a "low tech, single post" level. In order to do this effectively I would have to limit the size of the inital view of the latest posting to a few lines and then introduce a "Read More" item at the bottom for people to load the full thing up. I did a search for Blogger Hacks and found this posting by Nerdier than thou! on how to create such a thing. The only issue I can see with this is that you have to insert some CSS code into your post to get it to work correctly - which I don't want to do. I just want to make a posting and have the first portion of it displayed automatically. So... Off to JavaScript land I went and came up with something that actually works! Here's the code bit i stuck in my template: <mainorarchivepage> <script type="text/javascript"> var str_length=400; str = '<$BlogItemBody$>'; last_dot = str.indexOf('.',str_length); document.write(str.substring(0,last_dot + 1)); </script> <br><a href="<$BlogItemPermalinkURL$>">Read more!</a> </mainorarchivepage> <itempage> <$BlogItemBody$> </itempage> The blog post is written into the variable str and then the post is scanned for the next full stop after the number of characters specified in the str_length variable. To show more content, increase the value of str_length. The post is then re-written using the document.write command as far as that full stop character to allow for proper sentences to be displayed rather than being cut off in mid flow. The JavaScript is between the <mainorarchivepage> tags to allow it to be shown on the front page. A normal <$BlogItemBody$> tag is shown between the <itempage> tags to allow it to be displayed in full when you click the "Read More!" link. This is still a Work In Progress - so please don't take it as gospel - but I think it works ok. Not sure how it will work with pictures though. Rather than messing with CSS code, I was thinking of putting some keywords into the text such as !start! and !end! to signify the start and end of the posting you want to be displayed before the "Read More!" link. That should be pretty easy for JavaScript to sense and strip them out, and alot easier than going into the HTML code when posting.

Friday, January 27, 2006

360 Enabled

I have now got my Xbox360 and "w00t!" - what a belter it is. I unpacked the console when I got home, connected it to the net, signed into XboxLIVE and took out my free 1 month gold trial account. The plan was to show the kids the awesome power of the new console before they went to bed (as they seemed more excited than I was). This "great unveiling" did not take place though as it clashed with the start of Eastenders and I was forced to send them to bed "empty eyed". During the next four hours of TV that my wife watches on a Thursday night (Eastenders, 10 Years Younger, Celebrity Big Brother and ER) I dipped in and out of LIVE during the ad-breaks to download demos of FIFA 2006 RTWC, Fight Night 3, Fully Loaded, NBA Live and Quake 4. Plus a few videos, Live Arcade games and stuff like that. I am really impressed with the content on there that is free. More to come I expect - and hopefully more gamercard pictures too that I don't have to pay for! Come 11pm, the wife went to bed and I settled down with a fresh cuppa, poised to beat hell out of a computer generated assailant on Fight Night 3. And wow! The graphics were amazing! So realistic and crisp and clean. Forget buying a HDTV! The image was perfect! The gameplay is a little sluggish - but seeing the ripples on the guys face when you upper-cut him to the canvas is excellent. Jolly good fisty-cuff fun! I then moved onto play Fully Loaded which is a racing game with guns, missiles and other assorted weapons. The console version of the old Car Wars game I used to play years ago. Again, the graphics impressed but the game play was limited (although this is a demo). Race and fire, jump, crash etc. Very good fun and probably best played on LIVE against some real opponents I would expect. Die muthafunker! Third down was Quake 4 which initially looked very "PC Graphics" during the intro sequence. When the real game started though I was impressed and reminded of Doom4. Looks very very good. I wonder if this was a straight port from the PC version with not much tweaking? I was expecting a first person shooter deathmatch though - maybe that was on one of the other menu options. FIFA 2006 RTWC is just fucking amazing. As you may have read in my previous posts I have recently got really into playing FIFA 2006 on my (old) Xbox and usually play every day. So when I saw how detailled the graphics, character modelling and environment was... well... I just kept on saying "oh my god! - there is grass! They rendered grass!!". This is definitely my next purchase and have already been investigating the prices on eBay in readiness for my Valentines present. I was totally blown away by this title. The demo is only one half though - Brazil vs France. And the annoying thing is that you have to re-load the whole demo to play again! Grrr! Tossers! I then played Project Gotham 3 - buying a white Skyline as my first car and completing a few races and goals. I also played one online game but got my ass well and truly kicked! I am well gonna have to "up my game" on this title. Definitely one to put some time into. As with the other games, the graphics are so smooth and detailled. Very very good. Something that I have been waiting for since I used to play REVS on my BBC Micro back in the 80s. So, to sum up - the console is everything that I was expecting and a whole load more. I am totally blown away by the graphics and do not regret buying one at all now! No anti-climax! WOW! It must be a first for me. Before I used one I was slightly sceptical about the wireless controller and had a feeling that I would play with the cable attached - but now... no way! Its a really nice controller. The only thing missing was the IR Remote which they have now excluded from the Premium pack. Well. I am not too fussed about that really. Unless the DivX streaming from my PC to the 360 can be sorted properly - the old Xbox will be the media player for now. The fan in the console is quite noisy though and when you are playing from a DVD rather than the hard disk - it's even worse! Then again, it was 1am and the house was deathly quiet. Whats next? Dead Or Alive 3, more FIFA, getting XP Media Center Edition onto my PC and getting back into online gaming. I have also got a disk with the Beta of Final Fantasy 8 to load on (better take a USB keyboard home too as I hear the registration stuff is immense) and a copy of the Xbox360 retailler demo disk with playable levels of King Kong and Call Of Duty 2 on. Oh - and I also have my retail copy of Halo2 to play too. Deathmatch fun - here we come. Here's my gamercard.. come say hello! Technorati Tags: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Think again...

I had this great idea. I would install Apache and Wordpress locally, following the instructions over here and publish a work intranet blog thing to help us feed out information to the members of our (small) section. I have recently been fiddling with this setup on my machine at home and if you are lucky, you might even find my test Wordpress blog lurking over at http://taoski.blogdns.com - but only if my firewall lets you in, the Apache stuff is running and the kids are not playing Backyardigans games on the web. It works pretty well - especially for testing out Wordpress - which is way, way, way more advanced than Blogger and looks pretty cool. I still intend to migrate to Wordpress and my own domain at some point - but as you can guess from my previous post, cash and my spare time might be a little tight! Anyway. I get the site set up at work and its all working but Apache just keeps on crashing! Crashing when I attempt to upload a file during a post, crashing when I try to post a test comment and crashing when I move the mouse too fast after drinking too much coffee. I'm on the late shift tonight - so I might have time to play with it a little more. Ahhh... the joys of a technical job... Don't you just love it? It used to be all "exciting", "innovative" and "rewarding" but now it's just "boring", "samey" and "mundane". I wish I had used my A-Level art and A-Level Graphics Design for something rather than just creating a pile of quickly deteriorating artwork under my bed or making the odd kiddies party invitation on MS Publisher. A nice design job like DriverChris does would be nice.... 09:50: Turn up to work with expensive "Michael Caine" glasses, expensive sharp suit and expensive coffee in hand. 10:30: Start "design" work after reading The Guardian and sending emails to your "pretend mates" on your Blackberry. 12:00: Off to the Wine Bar for lunch with "Fifi and Charles" from "The agency". 13:30: Back to work to sketch out that idea that came to you as you "piss-chased" some chewing gum round the urinal in the wine bar. 13:40: Get distracted for a while by minimising the windows on your Mac to "the dock" and back again. You forget the idea you had. Time to have a power-nap. 14:30: Play with your Mac a bit more and read some websites about design and Audi cars. 15:00: Team meeting in the office. See who's got the brightest pink shirt and discuss the future of "frameless fixed-width inline CSS templates" for your customer portfolio. 15:50: Return to the desk and fiddle with Illustrator/Photoshop/Quark until the boss goes home. 17:00: Off home on the tube with your iPod, another expensive coffee and copy of Stuff magazine. 18:00: Get home to your lonely flat. Cry in your Findus "sad and lonely microwave meal for one". Go bed early after watching Trinnie and Susannah, getting tipsy on sparking white wine and being all confused over your sexual preferences.... Is the grass greener? Who knows? I won't. I am doomed to be stuck at this desk whilst a telephone headset burns a ridge into my skull, I fix the same faults I resolved 4 years ago and the world passes me by. EDIT: Just found this alternative program for running Apache and MySql locally to run Wordpress: WampServer Technorati Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

It's not what you know...

During another severe beating at FIFA2006 this lunchtime I also learnt that my XBox360 would be in my sweaty hands tomorrow. A Premium bundle with Project Gotham Racing too. Looks like my online gaming will be taking off again! But as usual, in total Taoski fashion - "Anti-climax... here we come". I was almost on the verge of telling the bloke to not bother getting me one after all - but it's too late now. I will have to seek out a version of Windows XP Media Centre too then I suppose! Technorati Tags: , , , , , ,

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Sometimes, I do know what i'm talking about. Plus, hello to my two new readers, Wendy and Darren who popped round tonight for drinks and nibbles. We did'nt mention the wife swapping stuff yet... break em' in gently! ps.. i'm joking!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Shrinky Links

Just a collection of random links from my recent surfing... Shrinkydinks? Still going strong! A huge list of albums to download. Some nice wallpapers here e-books (site in russian) PayPal Sucks! - apparently! ZCult FM - a comic scans torrent site!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Dr Wicket will see you now

I was booked for what I thought would be an appointment for a heart echo scan at the local hospital yesterday. I turned up and was ushered into a room to see an ewok sitting at a desk, pretending to be a doctor. I had seen him once before when I was admitted the night I discovered I might have a heart condition and at the time, my wife and I both thought "Ewok!". It turns out that I was in fact turning up for a consultation with the doctor to examine the results of the 24 hour tape monitor I wore and the results of the Echo Scan too. But I had not had the scan yet..... ah! Problem. He called the Cardiology section and checked. Yes, they should have booked me an appointment and I should have had the scan by now - but they fucked up and forgot. There is a 5 month waiting list for the scan - so I can expect to go for this sometime in May and a return visit to see my furry Ewok friend in mid-July. Piss. The results of the tape monitor were good and show no cause for concern - at all, so I should be "encouraged" by this and I am safe to start going to the Gym again. He also told me that I need to be having daily, dirty sex as part of my rehabilitation. So wifey, if you are reading this..... Technorati Tags: , , , , , ,

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Techno Porn

New Intel iMacs released.... Must resist.... Must be strong.... Hold on.... got no money! Decision made for me! Technorati Tags: , , , ,

I'm on the move

After "a good hard think" I have decided to make the switch away from Blogger. Not that Blogger is crap or slow or full of spam blogs and is generally seen to be the AOL of the Blogging world or anything. Blogger has served me well over the years but I want more control over my blog, how it looks, functions and is accessible. I am going to buy a domain name, some webspace and host a WordPress blog there. I will also amalgamate this blog, my Photao Photoblog and Music Club blogs into one giant tri-headed beast. Wordpress will also allow me to create sub-blogs for subjects - so I could have a personal blog, a tech blog and a blog about my pet rock, Mr Stone Knee Boy (joke! - honest). I kind of have a picture in my head of how it will all pan out and work - but we shall see. Webspace and a platform like Wordpress will allow me to customise the site to my needs. The Newlinks boys made the switch away from Blogger quite a while ago and are still going strong on their nice Drupal based platform. Drupal is also possibly "in the running" for providing the front end for my new site. This is even more customisable than Wordpress but may be too much for what I need. I have got a website to design for Flights-Physiques.co.uk and wish I had got him to purchase a business hosting service so I could install Drupal or Wordpress. At least then he could update the news section of the site himself! Taoski.co.uk is available as a domain name and I can use Wordpress to import all my Blogger posts and comments - so watch this space suckers! Related links: Wordpress for beginners, Wordpress Themes, Working with Wordpress. Technorati Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Monday, January 09, 2006

Radio Scum

I am not known for my outspoken views - or even for my beliefs. In fact - I have little opinion about very little - and what I do have an opinion about, I usually keep to myself. Last night during my usual 9pm Sunday night shower, I was listening to "The Sunday Surgery" on Radio1. An Agony Aunt style program where listeners can call in with problems and the smug doctor and presenter can advise them on where they went wrong. As part of this format, they have a section where the listeners can call in to give their opinion and advice on someone elses problem. This time, the person who needed the information was a 17 year old girl who was deciding if she should have an abortion or not, as her 21 year old boyfriend said he would "stick by her" and "do good for the baby n' nat". She had not told anyone else about this though... This is wrong on so many levels.
  • The fact that Radio1 should entertain a public airing of such a contravertial issue.
  • The fact that Radio1 chose it to be a "free for all" allowing the public to call in to help.
  • The fact that the girl actually came on the air and talked about the problem to millions of people - but she could'nt tell her parents.
Poo to Radio1 for allowing this to go ahead. I never heard the ending, or any of the comments that "the public" gave - but I can imagine what they were like. I'm glad i'm a Radio4 man. They have much better programs. Technorati Tags: , , , , , ,

Friday, January 06, 2006


I was watching a program the other night called Balderdash and Piffle, relating to the origin of words and phrases, their meanings and their definitions in the Oxford English Dictionary. The BBC has been attempting to enlist the help of the public to, for example, get the earliest meanings for terms such as "Pear Shaped" and "Pass The Parcel". The program was rather dull and even the minxy feline presenter was not attractive enough to keep my attention. Apart from one section...
"That charpering omi is a dish! Troll over and vada his basket for me!"
Polari is the name used to describe British gay slang from the 50's and 60's when the subject or practice of being homosexual was rather frowned upon. In an effort to keep the movement underground, a secret language was developed and used by the gay community so you could converse in public about the size of "that bloke at the bar's todger" without getting arrested, beaten up or both. Polari, or pallare, is also used to refer to the internal slang languages used by other groups such as sailors, gypsies, circus folk and vagrants. So possibly "can you spare 10p for a cuppa tea guv" could have some other sinister hidden message the public have not yet grasped. Kenneth Williams, a popular gay actor and comedian in the 60's (now deceased) has been partially blamed for destroying the now seldom used language by using it frequently as part of a comedy radio show, Round The Horne. The show was listened to by millions of the British public and such mass exposure to the terms ensured that no-one was safe using them any longer. Also, the eventual acceptance of the homosexual communities ensured that Polari was no longer needed - as that bloke at the bar now knew his enemy and could beat you up even if you weren't talking about his todger anyway! A list of common words, meanings and a brief history of Polari can be found here. And just for the record. I am not an omi-palone, a meese or a riah shusher! I was just intrigued by this stuff I had never heard of before! Technorati Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Finally... a good Podcast!

Yesterday, whilst I was supposed to be helping babysit SwimPigs daughter, I was playing with his PSP and noticed that he had downloaded some MP3 Podcast's to his 1Gb Memory Stick. I have "dabbled" with Podcasts in the past and have a few subscriptions in my iTunes which I usually delete after a few weeks of not listening to some nasal american whining on about how great his Mac is or some half drunk english guys who are supposedly funny. In my opinion, 99.9% of Podcasts are all total crap. It might be the latest "big thing" but I read enough useless WOBBs (Waste Of Bandwith Blogs) - I don't want to hear them talk in my head too! SwimPig had downloaded the previously unheard of to me, Ricky Gervais podcast and when I went to the Podcasts page in iTunes, I found that it had overtaken the Best of Chris Moyles Podcast (which I already had subscribed to and deleted) as the most popular. I have downloaded all 5 episodes to my iPod and have just been pissing myself in the toilet (pun intended) , trying not to laugh out loud. And that is only 9 minutes into the first one! It is very good - and well worth the download. At last! A good and funny Podcast! Until I get mine done of course! Technorati Tags: , , , , , , ,

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Dons Gone And Been Dones

Yet again the MK Dons have been beaten. And its all my fault. But why? When I put FIFA 2006 into my XBox for the first time and selected my local team as my favorite, it offered me the chance to play against the World Classic VII. They totally whipped my ass! Damn you Cantona! At least I got two of them sent off injured. "Thats it... hobble away old man!... fat has-been!" I have played the FIFA series on PS2, PC, GBA and Xbox for years and have really enjoyed getting beaten all the time. I am really crap at it - I admit! If and when I get onto XBox live and play someone - they are gonna kill me. Unless it's some spotty schoolkid who's shins I can hack away until I get the game abandoned through too many red cards against me. The latest version for Xbox, FIFA 2006, is visually amazing, fluid, realistic, fast and fun. So i can get beaten in real graphical class! Definitely a must have game! On a side note, I have actually bought my first real retail game for my Xbox! Halo 2 from Play.com for a tenner!. Hard to pass up really. Especially if I get the 360 and can play it online too! Technorati Tags: , , , , , ,

Xbox 460

I was in my local Game store this weekend and found, to my surprise, that they had some Premium Xbox 360 bundles in stock! The only problem was that they were only willing to sell them for £460, bundled with 4 (crap) games. What a load of fucking tosh they are! Trying to squeeze even more money out of me so they can sell more games! Thats an extra £190! Since my matey Swimpig has got himself a PSP for xmas and I have put in a good few minutes on it - I am pretty impressed with it. I am now in a quandry over getting a PSP - or getting a 360. Maybe I could get a PSP and then a 360 in the summer but I am not sure. The thought process behind getting a PSP means that I could play FIFA when the missus is watching her soap opera stuff. It might be worth me holding out for a non-retail PSP with some nice old-school firmware so I can load homebrew apps and emulators on it. I can then sell my GBA-SP to part-fund the venture. The problem is - I really want BOTH of these items - but feel that if/when I get one of them I expect I will feel terribly unfulfilled. I'm not sure what it is about me and these kind of things. I obsess about them until I get them and then.... nothing. A real anti-climax. I have been the same with my iPod. I do use it - but not as often as I thought. It's a good job I have'nt got much money - otherwise my house would be (more) full of crap! Technorati Tags: , , , , , ,