Friday, March 31, 2006

Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Questions, Questions...
I see I have 2 questions in the comments of my previous post from fellow Blogger users regarding template design.
So, rather than respond in the comments, here are the answers:
Question from GVM:
You seem to be a blogger expert, even a very friendly one, would it be a problem to ask you the following ? - how do you adjust the size of the letters in the side bar, esp. the text in the About Me profile ? - where can one find the "search this site" button ?To change this, you need to find the following line in your CSS code at the top of your template: #profile-container { } And change it to the following to make the font the same size as the main post body text: #profile-container {font-size:90%;} Make sure you do a full blog republish and if you don't see the changes immediately, press CTRL+F5 to force a full refresh of your page. The "search this site" button is actually built into the Blogger NavBar you see at the top of the blog. It just called "Search this blog" instead. The only problem with this is that it does not always pick up searches for new posts immediately. I had some posts that were over 3 weeks old that did'nt appear when I searched, but eventually they were indexed and it worked ok. You can always try Google Sitesearch too. Question from Tarun:
Different background for different posts intersting.tell me how to do it.Well. That sounded more of a curt instruction really Tarun! But here's the answer. To do this, you will need to use some Javascript code which sequentially adds 1 to a variable or takes it away for each post and then assigns a CSS property to the post depending on the value. First, you need to add the following lines to the CSS style area of your template. This is usually at the top of the template code, and will be enclosed between the </style> and </style> tags. div.post-even { background-color : #F5F5F5; padding: 5px 15px; } div.post-odd { padding: 5px 15px; } Then, on the line just before the <Blogger> tag, I inserted some Javascript to zero the variable we would use. <script type="text/javascript">var evenodd = 0</script> And on the line just after the <Blogger> tag, I inserted some more Javascript that determines if the variable "evenodd" is 0 or 1 and applies the relevant CSS DIV to the post. <script type="text/javascript">if(evenodd == 0) {document.write('<div class="post-even">');var evenodd = 1;} else if(evenodd == 1) {document.write('<div class="post-odd">');var evenodd = 0;}</script> And that's it! I actually made mine a little more complex by adding a gradient image to the bottom of the post in the CSS bit: div.post-even {background-color : #F5F5F5; padding: 5px 15px; background: #F5F5F5 url(http://static.flickr.com/39/81719143_e19cdc7865_o.jpg) bottom left no-repeat;} Hope this has been some help to you both. I am in the first stages of a new "project" that will encompass many similar requests - so watch this space.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Airwalk: RIP

- Worn on many skateboarding days.
- Learned to drive in them.
- Cycled to work in them.
- Ran three miles in them, three times a week.
- Worn on my Honeymoon.
- Worn at the birth of both of my children.
- Worn when I taught my Newphews to Skateboard.
- Worn on holiday in St Lucia, Dublin, France, USA.
- Worn to the top of the Empire State Building.
- Worn into the deepest, darkest caves in Cheddar Gorge.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Neiw Yoirk Repoirt - Part 2


Monday, March 13, 2006
Neiw Yoirk Repoit Part 1
Well... i have to say that our time in New York was excellent!
The hotel was in a great location (East 30th Street) for walking to most of the stuff we wanted to see. My legs and lower back were killing me by the end of the week as we had walked so far! I am only usually used to walking from my house to the car and from the car to the office desk. Not really - but not far off the truth!
New York is a really amazing place! Although the residents are a total ethnic/social mix, the roads are filled with cheeky honking yellow taxi's and the density of the buildings, businesses and shops is so intense, it all just "works"!
It's quite funny to see people skateboarding to work or rollerblading down the street backwards during the rush hour. Not funny as in "har har, look at that twat" but funny as in that it's just accepted and seems normal! Even to me, who had only been there a few days. I read before I went that New York has a "can do" attitude and you realise what that means when you see the people just going about their business, but in their own unique way, with no hassle or prejudice from anyone!
New York is definitely the iPod capital of the world. I counted more "white phones" per block than anywhere I have been before. People also seem ok about getting out their "technology" in public, be it iPods, CellPhones, Laptops or PDAs. I always feel quite reserved and nervous about using my laptop on a train for example but I lost count of the number of people using their Apple Powerbooks in coffee shops whist listening to their iPods or sitting outside in public parks using the free Google wifi to MSN video chat. I even saw what I thought was a tramp who was checking the bins for rubbish only then to pull out his Hipster phone/pda and sit down to do some typing! Weird! The whole atmosphere was great and we felt safe and welcomed where ever we went.
I was going to do a big write up here on each day we were there, but it would take too long. In the next part of my report I will highlight the highlights and dish the dirt on the tourist attractions.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
How do we reboot this thing?
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
iPod Hi-fi

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