Monday, March 20, 2006


Just a quick post to appologise for not posting recently. There have been some great things to blog about recently but I have not felt up to it - at all! I guess I am just slogging through a period of "Blogger Apathy" or "Blog-d-pression". Other stuff has been happening at home too such as ill children keeping me up half the night and the wife's 40th birthday (say happy birthday to her everyone!). I have also found the love of Hexic on the 360. Puzzling fun! Mainly I have been hanging out at the Blogger Help Group and have posted over 1000 messages in the last month, assisting people with chaging their Blogger template and other general help. The people who frequent there usually need help doing basic HTML stuff like adding images to their header or sidebar etc - so I have something planned (in my head) to help them. The Blogger staff do not go there as far as we know - so maybe i'll get a "Blogger MVP" soon or something.... Anyway... I will do New York "Part 2" soon. I promise...


bigfootcookie said...

I think I've just come out the other side of my "Blue Funk" of blog depression, when I thought I had nothing to blog about, so didn't.

Now I've realised you need to do stuff in the real world, which gives you more interesting material to blog with.


FreeBeing said...

Just coming around to say "thanks" 'cause you helped me once on the Blogger Help forum. You are brilliant & always so kind in your responses. I still have "newbie flu" while blogging, but I'm getting a lot better - lol. I'll be back to check you out.
