Monday, August 29, 2005

One step closer to heaven.... baby

My two children aged 6 and 3 and a half are currently upstairs emulating their impending teenage behaviour. They are both in the eldests bedroom blaring out pop music whilst emptying all of the toys onto the already messy floor, dancing and singing away at the tops of their voices. I've not got a problem with that - it's quite cute really. It's just they are listening to Steps!


MrNoxious said...


Chris said...

well, if you will allow that kind of material into your home...

Best distract them with a jazz mag or bottle of pulse cider and destroy it quickly.

GYPSY said...

I'm very disappointed that you have such offensive material in your home.

Courtney said...

I remember them. Wow, haven't thought about steps in a long time. Thanks for bringing back the bad memories.