Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
The Holy Grail
I'm good me!
Over at my photoblog - Photao - I have managed to get the new template half finished and implement what Photoblog type users of Blogger have been searching for since the dawn of Photoblogs. A template that has a large single photo displayed - but also has thumbnails of previous images to be used as navigation to previous images. This is easy to do if you want to edit your template every time and manually insert the image source code - but as Blogger sometimes has horrendous publishing issues - this is not acceptible. To accomplish this I began by changing the text in the title field of each posting to the same http:// address as the image source.
I then set blogger to only show one posting at a time.
Within my template code, i removed the list of recent items completely (and the entire sidebar) as this only shows as many postings as you have told blogger to display on the screen (ie One). To create the section that shows the thumbnail images, I headed over to Feeddigest and set up an RSS feed of the Photao blog for free. Make sure you have the RSS feed turned on though! I then modified the feeds HTML template within FeedDigest to include an IMG SRC tag around the title field text - which then creates a link to the image itself rather than just displaying the text:
Feeddigest then allows you to copy some code into your blog which displays the feed. In this case it is just a feed of the last 15 postings made into images from the same blog! The free version of FeedDigest is restricted to the last 15 items. Here is the code I am using at the moment to get the feed into the footer area of the Photao blog:
This means that when I post a new image, I can make a standard posting through the Blogger interface, add in the image and text (if required) and as long as I put the URL of the image into the title field, the RSS feed will be updated correctly and (most importantly) automatically. And as I store all my images at the excellent Flickr, I can use the URL of the smaller size versions of the image which are created for you in the title field which makes loading times quicker. The only problem (a very minor one) is that you will also have to remove the posts title field from your Blogger template. So if you want to give your images smart and fancy names, you will have to enter it as standard text above or below the image.
The template is far from finished though - so watch out for more whizz-bang design changes soon! EDIT: Just found out that I got mentioned over on the FeedDigest website too!
Technorati Tags: photoblog, feeddigest, blogger, RSS, template, photao
Monday, September 26, 2005
Monsters what?

- White policeman executes man on death row.
- White policemans son kills himself.
- Convicts fat son gets killed in a hit and run.
- Three deaths before 1 hour is up.
- White policeman gets jiggy with convicts wife.
- Convicts wife buys White policeman a white cowboy hat.
- White policeman ditches frail racist father at a home to die.
- Convicts wife moves in with White Policeman.
- Convicts wife finds out White Policeman fried her hubbys brain.
- They eat Chocolate Ice Cream.
- The end.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Thursday, September 22, 2005
To Do List

- Design my mates website for him over at flights-physiques.co.uk.
- Do some artwork - quite fancy doing a collage actually.
- Do the ironing.
- Play Burnout Revenge on my XBOX after kicking the wife off the TV.
- Do some homework sheets for the kids on the PC.
- Design how I want my garden to be.
- Do the paperwork / filing etc.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
My blue triangle going to waste

Monday, September 19, 2005
5 Things i did this weekend
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Friday, September 16, 2005

"The book is better than the film"Not being a *proper* book reader, I cannot really uphold this statement. The last time I read a *real* book was during the first year of a sleepy slumber, commuting to Birmigham. The Hobbit and Lord Of The Rings in case you were wondering. As the years progressed I started to listen to audiobooks on the train and did all the Harry Potter books. I have also recently read the new Harry Potter book in PDF format which I got from.. er.. somewhere. I recently taped Harry Potter and the Prisoner Of Azkaban and watched it last night with (the current) Mrs Taoski. I was obviously expecting too much - as it was total shite. The acting was bad and the characters were totally wooden. It really was nothing like the book. As per usual with these types of films, they were referring to things that you would have only known if you had read the books. They did this in LOtR too - but made up for the omissions with the Extended Editions. I had to end up explaining bits of the plot as Mrs Taoski was unaware that the black dog really was Sirius Black. Crap, crap, crap, crap CRAP! Lets hope the next film is better.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Another little Meme for you all
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
The Ultimate Sandwich

- Thick sliced crusty white bread (fresh)
- Peanut butter (Crunchy)
- Raisins
- A light dribble of honey
- Cheese and Onion Crisps (chips for the yanks)
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Septets Of Stuffs

Sunday, September 11, 2005
The wooden horse of crud

Friday, September 09, 2005
Gone to the dogs

"I have never eaten dog shit... but I know I would'nt like it!"It makes perfect sense to me. I have never eaten Chicken or Lamb but I know I would not like it if i did. Not just because we used to keep Chickens in the back garden when I was young or anything like that - I just know I would'nt like the taste! I am better than I used to be. My wife also insists that when we met and I was living on my own I was fuelled on Peanut Butter sandwiches. This is not true, as I was mostly fuelled on overtime pay, sexual urges, cheap beer and cigarettes. I suppose the moral of this posting is this: If you do have a child who is a fussy eater, unless you want to bind them to a chair and force food down them there is'nt a great deal you can do. Just be calm, patient, understanding and it'll all come good in the end. They ain't gonna let themselves starve. Then again, there was that story about the child who just ate Rice Krispies four times a day for seven years - and lived! What were his parents thinking?
Thursday, September 08, 2005
The littlest...
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
iPod Nano

TLA is not a TLA
Monday, September 05, 2005
Kazaa, you loser!

Thursday, September 01, 2005
Fat Tounged Cartoon Monkies