The Grass armchair is self assembled, each pack contains 14 corrugated cardboard frames and 100g pack of grass seeds. You will need about 240 litres of soil, to fill in the frame. First find the right spot, because once the armchair has grown you won't be able to move it!! You can put up to 20cm of gravel with in the frame then the soil. Spread the seeds evenly using only 4/5 of the bag of seeds. Press them in and water slightly so that the soil is humid. Water the armchair everyday. If it rains cover the armchair until grass has grown, to avoid the chair becoming waterlogged. After 10 days the grass starts to grow. If the grass has not grown evenly use the rest of the seeds to even it out. Once the grass has reached 10cm, cut it to 3cm, and keep it to this height. Now you can sit back and relax!Purves and Purves Just saw this mentioned over at Gizmodo and thought it was cool! And how much for some bits of oddly shaped cardboard and a packet of grass seeds? £65 - thats how much. I'm off to the skip at the back of the local supermarket to get mine started.
That's a cool idea. £65 seems a little on the expensive side.
Run with it - lanscape a bar (with stools!) optics and a jukebox into your homestead. That's gardening I can get into.
I suppose if you had enough room you could create a small circle of seats with a grass coffee table in the middle.
Maybe an iPod "grass dock" too?
That's cool. I'm off the find the plans on the internet, and then cut the cardboard out of the box's I'm going to liberate from the back of Tesco's.
£65? Pah!
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