I managed to get a copy of TRON from... er... somewhere and it's a great copy in widescreen too!
I attempted to convert it to DVD using
DVD Santa and got an "Unsupported video stream" error.
Roxio 8 also decides to give me a cryptic "unspecified error" plus a load of hex to go with it! Fecking computers!
So, it appears that the format of the file is one of those odd DivX ones that refuses to convert without a lot of hassle. I also downloaded
DivXtoDVD too (after reading a few good things about it) and after converting and burning which took about 2 hours, the quality of the DVD is jumpy and the audio is about 3 seconds ahead of the video!
Good job i've still got my old, modded XBox to watch it on over the network.
On a side note, I have decided to post at least once per day this month in an attempt to kick start my blogging again. I failed yesterday though already! I was discussing a possible "april fools day" post with
Swimpig over breakfast yesterday but nothing came of it.
Technorati Tags: divx, dvdsanta, divxtodvd, tron, dvd, convert, blog, roxio, xbox,
You could always ask Square if you could borrow his DVD.
Such a cool film...
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