Monday, February 28, 2005
What a donut
Sometimes i could kick myself...
After bleating on about getting an iPod or an MP3 player, my SPV rose from the ashes and lasted - all of a day. I felt i was happy getting used to the SPV again. I put on a new homescreen - so that it looked like a Mac. I even loaded on a new ringtone in WAV format too, not that it actually rang the day i had it switched on! I triumphed on my first game of toilet Solitaire too - surely a good sign!
However - the keys are a little dodgy, sticking and not working, the screen is scratched and it weighs a ton. I gave the keys a "good mash" but it made no difference. Plus the display backlight seemed to be on more than it was off even though i had setup the power management properly. By the time i left it on overnight the battery was practically dead and i was digging back in the drawer for my Nokia again.
I never bought a new SD memory card for it. Which was a good thing really as it was obviously not meant to be and it saved me some money. Yet again procrastination pays!
I sometimes preach to others of my "Path of least resistance" as i slide through my life. Maybe i should now also be preaching a "path of less material goods" too. I would love an iPod - and could also think of quite a few reasons why i might need one and want one - but they are not real reasons. Just excuses for wanting something cool and sexy. My "new path" does sound a little religious too. Maybe that needs tweaking slightly.
I can't beat the feeling of leaving work at the end of the day knowing i have done my job and have nothing to carry home. Its a similar feeling to walking home from school on a summers day knowing you have nothing to do but doss around until teatime. I used to lug laptops and stuff around in previous jobs, but now i need nothing at all - just me noggin. Maybe that is what i need to concentrate on. Having nothing. Wanting for nothing.
More to come.....
Saturday, February 26, 2005

Home Computer Magazine
I have just found a free PC mag you can download from here. Its called Home Computer Magazine and is available for download in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 6 to read it.
Friday, February 25, 2005
Abs, Clusty and SPV
Firstly, *greets* and *hugs* to Abi who will probably not read this blog any time soon anyway.
Whilst i fixed her up with a new PC last night she showed me one of her favorites.. Clusty.
Its (another) search engine but groups the results down the left hand side of the page. Worth a look!
Alas i have decided that my dream of getting an iPod is dead. a) i cannot afford it and b) i would'nt really use it anyway i think. The times when i was commuting by train to Birmingham each day are long gone and that would have been the perfect time to use it. These days the longest trip i make is to Birmingham by car - but then i would have to invest in an iPod holder and mechanism to get the sound out of my car stereo - also not ideal. And those who has seen my "Green Machine" will know what i mean!
So, i have decided to resurrect my SPV! For those not in the know, an SPV is a phone running a Microsoft operating system which is capable of playing MP3s, playing videos and acting as a calendar and general organisational device. When i used to get the train, my SPV was used every day. I listened to the whole Harry Potter series on AudioBook format, listened to oodles of Oasis and watched several episodes of the Simpsons whilst not trying to laugh out loud and look like a weirdo!
At the moment i have not got an SD memory card for the SPV (i used to have a 256mb card back then) - but they are pretty cheap these days - and if i can also get a USB2 card reader too... i will be laughing! It will be a good test for me to see if i will actually use an MP3 player - and therefore be a good test to see if an iPod will be a worthwhile puchase.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005
My recent post about Boombastic Radio used to have a graphic which i nicked from the site. However - it never really worked properly as it was in 3 parts and was too large for the Blogger Template to cope with so i emailled the nice techy people at Boombastic Radio and asked for a link button. They emailled me back promising to create them and this morning, here they are:
If you don't ask - you don't get!
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
I have just subscribed (free) to Bloglines to manage my daily Blog reading activities (when i should be working). You can also add any other RSS feed which most "news style" websites now provide.
There is also a large database where you can browse available content by most popular links - so adding new ones to your list is very easy.
Here is my current list of sites i have "Bloglined" (dynamic):
Check it out...
Monday, February 21, 2005
New color mini iPods?
Just seen this pic over at Gizmodo showing a possible color screen mini iPod. Apparently due to be announced in the next few weeks by Apple.
Maybe... just maybe...??? Another for my Amazon Wishlist probably...
Also - i just saw this little beauty mentioned on Gizmodo too. Someone over at iPodlounge has made themselves a tasty brushed aluminium case for their iPod Shuffle:
I also just noticed that by Blog has turned into an Apple/iPod fanboy site! Eeeek. Must find some more Bittorrent news to put up and some links to something else less boring!

iPod and Apple Mac - shelved
As much as i would love an iPod and a (new) Apple Mac i think these things will have to be shelved for now. I'll just add them to my Amazon wishlist and hope that someome will buy me them for my Birthday (which is in 131 days!).
My cashflow is at an all time low. What with new exhausts, new tires and poorly cats i cannot see any light at the end of the tunnel at the moment. Lets just hope that my employer offers me Early Voluntary Retirement and i can leave with some cash and walk into another job - which i am lining up... possibly.
Friday, February 18, 2005
Lunchtime Lovelies
Went to PC Wurld at lunchtime to buy some more ink for my Epson C80 printer so son number 1 could do some printing for a school project. £30..... grrr. Nearly as cheap to buy a new printer! I wandered about a bit and checked the iPods out (of course) and then i saw one of these new iMacs up close for the first time....
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Scores on the doors

Wednesday, February 16, 2005
iPod Shuffle.. is... really.... errr small!
Saw an iPod Shuffle in Selfridges today.
Only just! It was sooooooo small it was nearly lost in the blokes hand who was looking at it!
Very nice... Gonna get me one!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Life arrives at Milton Keynes (at last)
Well...well... well..... look what i spotted next to the train station whilst on my way to London last week:
SUBWAY!!! Yahhhhay!
I just had to go and sample its wares this lunchtime. 6" Vege Patty. Mmmm!
The service was speedy and efficient (and they did'nt put too much salt and pepper on either!). It is also only just a quick walk up the hill from work or if you are brave you can even play "dodge the parking fine" and leave your car outside for a few minutes. I can see myself getting rather fat sometime soon.

Thursday, February 10, 2005
Mac Mini: The Emperor's New Computer
Mac Mini: The Emperor's New Computer
I just had to blog this review of the Mac Mini by a so called MCSE.
Now i'm not a Mac officionardo by any small stretch of the imagination - hell - i've only touched one for more than 2 minutes a few times! But this bloke has got it all wrong-wrong-wrongo! I'm glad i never made MCSE - it obvioulsy means nothing these days!
While the hardware is about roughly equivalent to a Windows PC circa 1995,
what got me interested were Apple’s claims about its size, weight and
Hmmm.. 1995... thats when i first started fixing PCs. The birth of Windows 95. The PCs were 486s with 16 or 32mb of ram! Now lets compare that to the MacMini's 1.25 or 1.42Ghz G4 processor with 256Mb DDR-RAM.
If you believe Apple’s marketing department, the new Mini is “smaller than most packs of gum” and weighs “less than four quarters”. Well, we received our test unit from Apple yesterday, and let me say right off the bat that those claims are a wee bit of an exaggeration.
Well.. if you had been reading the spec of the new iPod Shuffle then you may have read that information..... but not the iMac Mini.
While there is a Mac-style “donnnnggggg” when the Mini is first turned on, during normal operation the unit makes no sound whatsoever. This could make it very difficult for a novice user to know whether or not the computer is on. In fact, it took our techs about fifteen minutes before we realized the unit itself was operating normally and it was the monitor that was not plugged in properly
Ahhh... the old classic! I drove from Milton Keynes to Norwich once to fix that fault! Actually - that was back in 1995 too!
The Mini boots up into a stripped-down operating system which Apple calls OS X, similar to the stripped-down WindowsCE OS found on many handhelds.
Yeahhhss... sure it does... Just cos its got no Start button its stripped down.
There is no Outlook Express for email, but Apple includes a program called Mail, which is like a stripped-down email client.
Secondly and possibly even more glaringly, there is no antivirus program shipped with the Mac! In today’s climate of non-stop worms, trojans and viruses, releasing a computer with no virus removal software is irresponsible on the part of Apple
Duh duh! Possibly why someone would buy it in the first place?
My Office 2003 CD would not install, despite claims I had heard from Mac fanboys that OS X is compatible with Office.
Duh duh duh!! You even tried it! Extra points for effort!
Apple Mac Mini Review by The Register

Wednesday, February 09, 2005
MaDdoG Software | Flurry for Windows
MaDdoG Software Flurry for Windows
This is a PC version of the funky OS X mac screensaver called Flurry.

The 50 most important video games of all time
Found a cool article about the "supposed" 50 most important video games of all time!
The Essential 50 Archives from 1UP.COM
Check it out.
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
eXeem Drops Cydoor Adware
The good guys over at Slyck news are reporting that the latest version of eXeem no longer contains the Cydoor Spyware/Adware component. Although Cydoor sounds less intrusive than before, it can only be proof that pressure from the P2P fan base can have an impact in a good way.
Check the full story here: Slyck News - eXeem Drops Cydoor

A poor picture of the "sink side" of the new kitchen. They have boxed in the boiler in the corner near the new doors (so i expect Mr British Gas will slap a condemed sticker on next visit). The sink is a large "double bowl" affair with a cool mixer tap thing which i still don't fully understand how to get on hot.

Birthday time again!!! Yipee!
Its my birthday soon! - in... errr... 144 days! Hooray!
So it must be time to start with my Birthday gift list.
As my family will know (all too well) i always want for "nothing" on my birthday and christmas but this birthday i am going to get in early with a few suggestions.
I think i will set up my Amazon Wishlist as they seem to provide most things these days.
Also, my mood changes frequently as i find new things on the internet and think "i need one of them!!" so it will be a good place for me to keep up to date with my likes/dislikes and the general "faddi-ness" of my personality. By the time 2nd July 2005 comes - it might be down to a managable list!!! Bet there won't be any books on there!
Back from the land of the dead
So, I'm back at work. My sinus system is still a flowing green triangle of mucus and my left lung still has a dull scraping pain every few coughs - but I am here - and working too! Which is a start.
I have left the pleasures of being ill at home with the kitchen fitters behind. This was not really pleasant (for either of us) - but was necessary. I slept for 9 hours on Thursday - so didn't even really see them - which was nice. Anyway, they have gone and left us with 80% of a kitchen. Still a few cupboard doors missing (on order) and a few holes in the walls (being done Wednesday). The fitters are really good blokes - but we are more questionable about the sales people and their methods now. Hindsight is a marvelous thing - but when verbal conversations with one sales/designer person don't translate magically to the fitters written instructions you can only kick yourself for not insisting things were handled better at the time. We will get there in the end. Money will not be paid if we are not happy - simple as that!
I will post some pics of the partially finished article too.
As reported on the Slyck P2P news pages (and other sites) there seems to be a buzz around a new website: In fact - the buzz is so loud - that I can't even get to the site at all as they are being hammered! I think it is just another torrent site/tracker - but people are already touting the new site as the 2nd coming. Still not sure why though! Apparently it has a cute "mascot". Maybe that has something to do with it?
Some interesting news also from the Slyck pages reports on the fact that the owners of Kazaa actually monitor and record what is being downloaded via their network! I guess this also applies to Kazaalite too - so watch your backs boys and girls!
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Oh well..
Managed to screw my template up!
Even my saved copy with the extra links down the sidebar does'nt work either!
Curses...! back to the drawing board.
My first newgroup post
Courtesy of google.
Nearly been on the web for 10 years now!
Google Search: "tao schencks"
MSN Search Results
Just did a search for "Taoski" on the new MSN Search and found quite a few interesting things!
Blimey! I thought some of this stuff would have been removed by now!
ngStats for Unreal Tournament Taoski
It shows me in a very bad light! Not at all on par with my usual standards!
Also found this: fame at last!!!
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