A little help please...
Years after finding an
original Gameboy Advance on the train a few days after they have been released in the shops, my love affair with portable gaming has not ceased.
I upgraded the old unit for a nice new spanky
Gameboy Advance SP when that came out and we have spent many a happy hour together.
The problem is, I only have 3 games!
I have recently won 29 fights on "Survival Mode" on the "Hard" setting of Tekken Advance, so I think I might have done it to death. I have also completed Tony Hawk with nearly all the characters (much to the delight of my fellow train commuters). Advance Wars is a different matter. I have not even completed the basic training games! Why? Because it takes too long!
I only like to play games that are not too deep and do not take too long. Ones that I can pick up and play for 5 mins at a time. Something I can play whilst on the toilet without running the risk of getting arse-sores.
Has anyone got a suggestion for a new Gameboy Advance game that fits this criteria?
Or has anyone got any good experiences to share regarding the
GBA Flash Memory Carts?
Or does anyone want to do swapsies with my copy of Advance Wars?
Technorati Tags: gba, gameboy, gameboy advance, nintendo, tekken, advance wars, tony hawk, console, xbox
You do know you can save Advance Wars at any point? ie you can play for 5 minutes if that's all you have.
I can heartily recommend any of the Zelda titles an Lasersquad (another strategy game) - along with Advance Wars these are my favourite GBA games.
Of course if you get a flash cart you can do all the emu stuff too. And yes I heartily recommend flash carts too - but I wouldn't recommend getting the same as mine as there are much better ones out now.
And of course by Lasersquad I actually meant Rebelstar.
Zelda will be too long for me - and elves are way too gay!
What size flash cart do you have?
And how many er..."ROMS"... can you load onto it?
I have a 256Mbit one (I think - it is a long time since I've flashed my GBA) - but you can get ones with a 1Gbit. The ROMS are typically 8/16/32 MByte so anywhere between 1 and 4. ish. So I hear.
Of course if you are going for emu you can pack a SNES/NES/Spectrum/whatever and hundreds of games as they are tiny.
Just make sure if you do go for one that it is USB (mine's parallel and SLOOOOOW to flash) and that it has a real time clock - there's a lot of games use the clock for various things.
Mario Kart!
Mario kart is the perfect game for when having an evacuation. Well the easy levels are!
Oh, and by the way your photo is ready Mr Taoski!
Mario Kart it is then!
Via a USB Flash Cart!
Thank crunchie yesterday was pay day then!
I found the GBA version of Mario Kart was too fiddly compared to 'proper' versions.
Of course if you get a flash cart you can try before you buy. Or something. ;)
I got the N64 version of Mario Kart on my XBOX running under Surreal64 (IIRR).
Not bad really.
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