Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Saturday, February 25, 2006
Typical me!

Friday, February 24, 2006
MC Hammer Blog
MC Hammer Blog
No, no, no!
This was not why blogging was invented!
ps. Turn your sound off... crap MIDI file alert!
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Next time you ring me.... you might get something you don't expect!
Darth Vader Soundboard
Monty Python and the Holy Grail Soundboard
Borat Soundboard
Bender Soundboard
All via DevilDucky
Monday, February 13, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Joke of the day
Bruce walks into his bedroom with a sheep under his arm and says...
"Darling, this is the pig I have sex with when you have a headache."
His girlfriend who is lying in bed replies: "I think you'll find that's a sheep, you idiot."
Bruce says: "I think you'll find I wasn't talking to you.
Thanks to the esteemed Captain Beefheart for this! The first laugh i've had all day!
MCE on XP on 360
After recently getting my Xbox360, I decided to re-format my desktop PC and install a copy of Windows XP Media Centre Edition so that I could start streaming movies to the new console.
After all, my old Xbox (which is still sitting quite comfortably next to my 360 under the TV) was mainly used as a Media Centre, so I did'nt want to give up that functionality when I upgraded.
I attempted to get this working the other day but failed miserably. The 360 would not see the XPMCE machine on the network at all! I did some further reading yesterday over at the XboxScene forums and ran through all the updates from the M$ WindowsUpdate site last night. I thought I had the latest version installed already - but apparently not.
An interesting side note is that once you have gone to the M$ WindowsUpdate site and it's Validation Check thing reports that your copy of XP is dodgy, you can go to Tools > Internet Options > Programs > Manage Add-ons and set the Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool to "disabled" and it works after that! How fucked up is that? Well... fucked up in a good way.
I did'nt get a chance to test it further until this morning after the kids and wife had left for school - and after a little tinkering with the ZoneAlarm firewall (ie disabling the fecker) the PC reported that a new Xbox360 was detected and I was prompted to download another extra bit of software and enter a validation key that the 360 had given me.
I nearly pissed my pants with joy! So many people have had issues with getting the two connected. I don't believe in god - but he was on my side today!
I had already converted a DivX video to the WMV format that the 360 likes using the Videora Xbox360 Converter and it worked a treat! The only problem is that the file literally doubled in size to just over 1.6gb! There is a way of converting movies from DivX to WMV on the fly, detailled over here but it looks a little complicated really.
Update: Just found out about this application too which was written by the original Xbox Media Centre programmers. And he's from Milton Keynes too!
Technorati Tags: XP, XP media centre edition, mce, xbox, xbox 360, videora, stream, zonealarm, genuine advantage, WMV, DIVX
Friday, February 03, 2006
What's missing from gMail?

- Phone numbers
- Addresses
- Passwords
- Interesting sites i've found (that are "NSFW") ;-p
- Blog HTML code that go AWOL when posting to Blogger
- My Blogger template HTML code
Torrent Sites
Back in the day, this blog used to be all about Torrents and warez and stuff like that - so in honour of my old ways, here's a link to the mostest biggerest list of torrent sites I have ever seen!
All mixed down into categories too!
Thankyou Web of Knowledge
I'm suing Apple!
As reported in a few places including The Register, a Louisiana man is suing Apple for making the iPod too loud and damaging his hearing.
John Kiel Patterson was unavailable to comment. Presumably because all he could hear when we rang to talk to him was the "Brain Morse Code Bleep-Trance Remix" brought on by his adverse Tinitus.
I have decided to sue Apple too.
For somehow smuggling "SugarBabes" and "Beyonce" into my iTunes and therefore into my iPod and therefore into my brain where they go round and round and round until I can't sleep, I can't work and I can't stand NO MORE!
Pile Up City
I managed to get in some racing last night on Project Gotham 3.
I'm still total crap - but am getting better.
I actually finished 2 races rather than getting timed out and my powerslides are getting more... er... "powerier" too. I am slowly working out how to use the handbrake button at last. I'm sure most players don't use the break at all in favour of the handbrake, as I hardly ever see any red lights as they approach a corner.
Playing on XBox Live is quite funny though, listening to the jovial banter in the lobby area which then turns to "you mutha-fucka! Piss off and practice you twat!" in a variety of languages as the cars pile up at the first corner. People seem to forget it's a game and get very, very intense about it.
I also played a few "Team Slayer" and "Rumble Armory" games on Halo2. I started off good on the RA games I played, coming 2nd or 3rd but on the TS games I was always on the losing team. Or rather, the losing team always had me on their side. The people playing on Halo2 seem to be alot friendlier and I got invited to a Party Game by someone too.
Great fun . But a shame it does'nt update my GamerCard to say i've been playing Halo2 though... never mind.
Technorati Tags: xbox, xbox live, xbox 360, halo2, halo, PGR3, Project Gotham Racing, powerslide
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Been tagged by mmChronic over at NewLinks with this meme.
Not sure I should be doing these anymore really... are'nt these things for silly girl bloggers who bitch about their friends or Newbie Bloggers?
Anyway - here goes...
Four Jobs I've had:
- Washing up/dirt removal operative
- Shelf stacker/Supermarket technician
- Archaeology Site Technician/mud scraper
- iT-mumbo-jumbo-fix-er-upper/tea drinker
- The Empire Strikes Back
- Carry On Doctor
- Revenge Of The Sith
- Madagascar (not through choice! The kids love it)
- London - E17
- Milton Keynes - MFK
- Does "The Internet" count?
- The list endeth here...
- Any computer gaming show on Bravo
- Never Mind The Buzzcocks
- Black Adder
- St Lucia
- Gran Canaria
- France
- Dublin
- BlogLines
- BBC News
- Gmail
- Peanut Butter
- Cheese Twists (the dry biscuit type)
- Almond Danish
- Egg and Tomato sandwiches
- I concur with my "tagee", mmChronic. Bed - with my wife - would be the best option..
- Or playing my 360 comes very close too..
- Early Oasis
- Stone Roses, Stone Roses
- Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
- Pungent Effulgent - Ozric Tentacles
- Not gonna tag no-one - if you feel like replying... do so.
- Its a free country after all..
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