I have found that the best way to relax after being told you may have a heart condition is to watch
adrenaline sports on the TV and play
intense car racing games on your XBox. It beats that Tai Chi and Yoga bollocks any day!
I am feeling better and a lot more rational about my "condition" now and the panicky feelings have totally gone away. I am still left with a feeling of pressure on my chest - like I cannot take a full lung full of air even though I can - and the odd griping pain here and there - but generally alot better.
I was beginning to think that the pain I am now feeling is more skeletal or muscular so I made an appointment with the
local Chiropractor and went to see him this morning. He immediately spotted that I was "all tense" and set about attacking me with his
pressure hammer adjustment tool and also gave me a good back massage (my first that didn't end in a blow job and an emptying of the wallet!). I will be going back to him again next week for more of the same. As a practicing Chiropractor and sports injury clinic, I thought he would have seen it all - but he was quite impressed with the poor knotted state of the muscles down the right hand side of my spine.
They're totally seized up mate!
So more shoulder muscles excersises and relaxing on the cards for the rest of the week for me.
More playing train tracks with my son, chilling to "Party Mix" on iTunes, hammering the torrents and watching crap TV. It's tough being ill.
I love the Chiropractor. They take a lot of shit, becasue once you go they want you to go back every week until you die, but beyond that they're great.
I remember one time I managed to pop two of my ribs out of place one day and I called the chiropractor and asked if they could see me. The thing is I could barely talk becasue of the pain. She said they were all full up today but to come in tomorrow. I didn't have it in me to fight or plead my case so I simply said ok. Then she paused for a moment and said "you sound like you are in a great deal of pain." and I said "I am." So they let me come in right away.
This Chiropracto lady was 5 foot nothing and maybe a buck five. I am 6'4" and 350. I laughed until she lept on me like a monkey hopped up on some crazy ass jungle mushroom and snapped my ribs back into place, they difference was so amazing that I tried to get her to marry me, but she wanted none of it.
sorry for the long comment.
Long comments (any comments) are appreciated!
The bloke I saw was a really nice man.
"Chiropractism" is another of those medical artforms that makes me want to laugh out loud!
Not because it is rubbish or anything - but just because it is so amazing that he can spot things from just looking at my back whilst i turn my head left and right!
Truely impressive!
My appointment was about 10 hours ago. I am already feeling sore from the massage he gave me!
Did you at least get a happy ending?
When I ruptured a disk a few years ago, my chiropractor sorted me out. The only problem, is that you walk out feeling ten feet tall and all relaxed, but an hour later it's like you've had a really good sound kicking.
He himself had to wear a back support whilst he juggled my bones, 'cause I was a fat bastard back then.
The popping noises your bones make in your neck when they release them is also cool. Totally painless, but used to make my wife want to be sick when she heard mine.
Get better soon Shandy!
Hope it all turns out well - but I'm sure the happy ending helped with your stress levels. ;)
Personally I'm totally scared of chiropractors. I've been to one in my life. While he successfully got rid of a trapped nerve I never quite got over someone playing with my spine/neck and making noises like Chcuk Norris snapping bad guys' necks.
schenski!! A man giving you a massage? are you turning gay again? I thought the idea was to go to a pretty little blonde thing and have her massage you in a skimpy little number or less! Hope you feel better soon
He does so love the touch of a big man's hands...
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