report yesterday found that on average, the average person spends and average of £21,000 on music in their lifetime. The Uber-Music-Geek however spends, on average £44,000 (mostly due to ordering that rare INXS german remix with the japanese cover notes from eBay).
In this modern age, £21,000 equates to aproximately 30,434 purchases from the iTunes Music Store (based on 69p per track). The Audiophile with their £44,000 gets a whopping 63,768 purchases from the same store.
With the average size of an MP3 being about 6mb, the iPods for the next generation of tune-heads would need a storage capacity of 200GB (to fit aprox 30,000 songs) and 400GB (to fit aprox 64,000 songs) to enable you to carry your entire lifes music purchases in your pocket.
In realistic terms, we are not too far off these possible capacities.
Come on Apple, sort it out! There's a market hole waiting to be filled!
Just don't make it too heavy! By the time I have purchased (torrented) all my music - i might be a little frail.
Technorati Tags: apple, ipod, storage, music, itunes, ITMS
Bearing in mind that some people *cough* aren't paying for all their music *cough* the rest of us are picking up the slack when it comes to that average figure.
6mb for an mp3, dude you're listening to a lot of Ozrics and prog rock!
I love holes yearning to be filled.
£21,000 could buy you 48 quality dishwashers. (Based on £437.50 per dishwasher)
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