Tuesday, July 12, 2005

What's in a name?

I bumped into someone the other day who i have not seen for a few years who called me by the nickname I used to have at school, Toad. Not for any other reason than it being a play on my name, Tao. Other nicknames i have had over the years are: Tay Schencksy Taoski Shandy Tazza One friend that was so "out of it" all the time could only manage to splutter at me was T' as he rolled his next spliff. On the flipside to this affectionate naming it was also common for me to have "Gayo" shouted at me across the playground and the now infamous (with me at least) "Tayo, tayyyooo, Tao come and me wanna go home" song chanted at me several times a week. In fact, this still happens - but it is now championed by the feeble brained office workers i have to endure on a daily basis. I expect that people reading this will probably have had worse nicknames - so i think i got away with it fairly well. Technorati Tags: , , , ,


bigfootcookie said...

Oh, you bitch, you're so cutting. LOL.

Nicknames I've had in my life. hmmmm, lets see.

Lanky streak of piss
Elsie (My initials, LC)
Ob (Short for oblong head)

.....and just about any combination you care to use of the following words.
Twaty, tall, bollocks, lanky, skinny, freaky etc etc....

Ghone said...

Must I? Oh, OK then:
I go to school one day with greasy hair and get called 'Chip' for a month!
And the one that haunts me to this day: 'Rubber'
As in 'can I borrow your rubber Johnny' - man that stings.

Is Dave 'Piggy' Holte still of this world to be calling you 'T'?

Tao said...

Who knows if he is still alive or not.
Guess i would have heard if he had died though... bad news tends to travel fast.

bigfootcookie said...

There is nothing more cutting or nastier than school kids and piss taking. I can remember all the lads in the changing rooms after a P.E lesson, chanting the word "chin" at a rather rotund and non-athletic member of the class, until he cried. Most likely scarred him mentally for life.

bigfootcookie said...

And I went to a "good" Catholic School.

Anonymous said...

what is in a name that is the question? Are we supposed to take idle gossip off people just for the sake of it, what is the world coming to ?

Willow said...

that is the coolest toad graphic.

Surfed in via BE and was called everything from Cookie to Peanut to Skeeter. (My aunt to this day doesn't know my real name or how to spell it. Even on my wedding card she made it out to "Peanut". I'm 37.)

Tao said...

Hmmm... i am intrigued to what your real name is now....

Anonymous said...

Cookie - You forgot Jamaica Feet !!!!!
