Tuesday, April 12, 2005


How to Get Things Done: Method 1: Read this article and digest. Buy and read the book and digest. Create action plan. Review action plan. Categorise "stuff". Move to your inbox and evaluate the workflow outcome process. Repeat. Method 2: Read article. Check your Gmail account. Read blogs. Do a bit of work. Swear laughingly at colleagues. Burp. Pretend to do more work. Toss off until time to leave the office. Method 3: Don't read article. Procrastinate. Just BE...... Job done. Nice ideas. Too much hassle. Carry on regardless. Insert head up arse. Nice in here.


bigfootcookie said...

LMFAO. Well blogged O' Master of Proc.

bigfootcookie said...

I may need to sue you for copyright of Method 2. It's all mine. Except I don't have a Gmail account.

Tao said...

Well, if you want one, just ask the master.