Friday, April 08, 2005


The splendid northerners over at New Links have invited me to join their site! This comes as a total surprise to me! I thought only my work colleagues were reading this blog - but obviously i was wrong! I am in 2 minds wether to join though. I quite like having my own space and fiddling with all the template settings n-that but getting more exposure could be a good thing. Thoughts anyone? Maybe will become more of a personal blog - or just a dumping ground for my fractal images? Check out newlinks too. They are all great guys and the Newlinks blog on Blogger was one of the first i checked daily.


bigfootcookie said...

Do it Shandy! With 2 blogs to update at least you'll have something to stop you getting bored when you're at work all day. Seriously, as the Techno Guru you are, you can keep all the Techno Lepers like me up to date!

mmChronic said...

Yeah do it. ;)

Tao said...

Need more beer to decide...