Sunday, April 24, 2005

Had a lovelly day today. Went to pick up Son number 1 from his Nan's house as he elected to stay overnight with his cousin. His first night away from us. Not the first night we have been away from him though. It was a little odd for us taking the other son home and putting him to bed on his own. I had to put son number 1's radio on as if he was there... just to make number 2 son feel better. Or was it to make me feel better? After a quick lunch we headed off to meet all our local mates at the nearby Horsefair Green for cakes, football and wine. Lots of kids running all over the place and a little bit of wine to grease the wheels. Summers here at last! Posted by Hello


bigfootcookie said...

Ahh, Wine and Sunshine. An unbeatable combination.

Captain Beefheart said...

...and sex in the bushes, of course:

"...rough trade, mate...?"