Todays tutorial is: "How to buy love"
or "How to scare the kids".
1. Find a suitable image from a reputable online purveyour. eg:
real imperial stormtrooper helmets.
Save the image to your hard drive.
2. Load the image into Adobe Photoshop and delete the black background to make it all white.
This will make it easier on your printers ink cartridges.
Save it back to your hard disk.
3. Load the image into Microsoft Publisher and create a poster size print. Adjust the page size accordingly.
Mine is 1.25 meters tall!
Print, trim the overlapping edges and stick together using sellotape.
Add extra sellotape to the reverse to add strength. Remember... this is going in a childs room - its got to last until morning!
4. Heres one i made earlier...
When they are asleep, sneak into your childs bedroom and stick it on the wall ready for them to see it looming over them when they stir in the night.
Collect the love.
You're a bad sick man who wants to scare his children.... bless you!
At least the kids will have a something fun to tell the social workers when they're older!
Actually the only response i got from "the boy" was:
"Daddy, when you print it again can you make it Darth Vader?"
Nothing more than that.
Oh - apart from that he wanted to colour it in!
That's the PS2 generation for you... lack the imagination to be scared. All they do all day is sit in front of a screen and... um.. never mind
Your picture is just too scary, btw
Have you looked at yours recently mate?
HAHAHAHAHA, HAHAHA!!! That's awesome!! You're awesome, dude! *cracks up again*
that's aweswome, I must admit
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