Thursday, December 29, 2005
Please wait....

Friday, December 23, 2005
Hats, Twats and Throatyaches

Thursday, December 15, 2005
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Boom Shake Shake The Room

In the *real* world
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Ring a ding ding
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Fucktard Can't Read
This auction is not for a Xbox 360 game system, but instead a picture of one. I hope you enjoy this high-quality item. The 360 is the hottest thing on the market.
I bet PayPal are working through their lunch break to sort this one out. If they can stop laughing that is.
And what does the purchaser have to say on this matter when leaving feedback?
Lying theif, stay away from this ebay member !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesus. He can't even spell either!
Hells Blue Teeth

Auto Patcher
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Lunchtime Kudos

Monday, December 05, 2005
Seen one!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Xbox 360 Round Up

Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Read and Destroy

Friday, November 25, 2005
iPod Volume Hack
Thursday, November 24, 2005

Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Hum Drum
Monday, November 21, 2005
That's some damn tasty burger!

Thursday, November 17, 2005
Man Flu

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Mad eye

Friday, November 04, 2005
Holy cow!
Just stumbled upon an ZDnet blog page detailling the new Swedish train which runs on fuel made up of organic waste from cows.
Not just being environmentally friendly and quiet, the train also runs at a respectable 130kph and according to travellers on the maiden voyage, ran on time.
I'm not sure what Rev Awdry would have to say about this - but i don't expect a DVD version of "Thomas and the shitty smelling train" will be landing on my sons lap at christmas time.
Technorati Tags: thomas the tank engine, biogas, train, cow, environment
Ho Ho Ho, says Bill

- Has Microsoft had issues making the consoles in time for the launch date? If so then the low stock estimates could be valid.
- However, predicting a sell out on launch date, creating a high demand for the "must have" next gen console could also work in their favour, creating a shopping frenzy. Hell, they are already on eBay for over £300!
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Pretend Poo

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Advice taken
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
You're Tekken the piss

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Thursday, October 27, 2005
Smoke and Mirrors
As a reformed smoker of over 5 years standing I now feel qualified to speak on this matter with some authority. The UK government has started legislation for a partial smoking ban in UK pubs.
I am not PRO a total ban on smoking in public places - as I will not be able to get my "by proxy" fix of the sweet smell of Old Virginia rolling tobacco wafting over my pint of Guinness whilst I chat.
Smoking is nice. I loved it and I probably would still love it now.
Call me selfish... but I don't care!
Technorati Tags : smoking, ban, smoking, uk, patricia, hewitt, guinness, pub
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Photoshop Kubrick Header Template
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

They spent 8 wonderful days together, playing games, shopping and pooing.
He spent time in the bath, played with his Ninja Throwing Stars I bought him after we gambled 9p a time on the slot game and he also had a nice day out wearing his hat we purchased from the fat shop keeper.
His favorite treat was Cupcakes (just like Uber!).
We will miss him... but he has already been replaced by TIFF, a new female creature! I'm glad we've got two bathrooms!
Technorati Tags : tamagotchi, egg, creature, cupcakes, ninja
Monday, October 24, 2005
Clockwork Headers
Just found this neat little web based tool to automatically make "Kubrick style" headers for your blog (the template championed by myself and Nick). Images are pulled from Flickr by entering an appropriate tag and then manually cropped to make the JPG which is then downloaded to your PC.
It will never replace spending hours on a tedious multi layered Photoshop/illustrator image (only to find it looks crap at the proper size) but it could be a good way of finding a starting image though.
Not sure why the site will not pull out my Photao tagged images though. Odd.
I still would (eat my own arm for) like a version of the Tao of Mac kubrick slideshow header which is done in Macromedia Flash and pulls random images from Flickr. It just gushes class! Just need some (reliable) webspace i guess.
Found via the Great Flickr Tools collection.
Technorati Tags: flickr, kubrick, template, header, blogger, photao
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Get iTunes Workin'

On Average

Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Bye bye Gmail.. hello Google Mail

Whats my Vector Victor?
After spending all day slaving over my PC at work I then spent several hours bashing away last night at a new logo for my blog. It was all for research purposes though.
I have decided to get to grips with Adobe Illustrator CS2 as I do like the look of vector art. I think it will take some getting used to though. Compared to Photoshop I struggled to get it to do what i wanted and had to export back as a JPG to finish it off. The final image’s detail was totally lost when i converted it across… it looked excellent in Illustrator but crappy and pixelated in Photoshop. More practice needed i think – if anyone has any tips on this then let me know.
The new Illustrator CS2 version has a great “Live Trace” feature where you can pull in line drawings you have scanned and it converts them to editable paths. The great thing is that this also works with photos. The eye on the left (which is mine) and the skateboarder (which is not me – as I am much better!) were both processed using this method – and i think it looks pretty cool!
I kind of had a thought the other night that I would start trying some illustrations. I would set myself a goal of learning the Adobe Illustrator application, doing some illustrations and selling them – or having them used/published somewhere within one year. Possibly a tall order seeing as I work on PCs all day and the thought of having to chain myself to the PC all the time when I am at home makes me cringe. At least Illustrator makes it easy to work with imported graphics – so I could also spend time drawing and making art to scan in to use. Is this a silly idea?
If anyone has some good sites with Illustrator tutorials on then let me know please!
Technorati Tags: adobe, illustrator, adobe illustrator, vector, illustration, logo, live trace, tutorials
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Thursday, October 13, 2005
They did it.....

Tuesday, October 11, 2005
The Back Quack

They're totally seized up mate!So more shoulder muscles excersises and relaxing on the cards for the rest of the week for me. More playing train tracks with my son, chilling to "Party Mix" on iTunes, hammering the torrents and watching crap TV. It's tough being ill.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
I *heart* me

Was this a possible panic/anxiety attack?I feel ok now but I do still have a feeling of pressure/discomfort on my chest and feel slightly out of breath at times. Maybe when the blood cultures are grown they will discover some sort of infection - who knows. I will have to go back to the docs some time next week to hand in my letter of discharge but also to inform him of the "Panic Attack" situation last night. I will also be making an appointment with a local osteopath for a skeletal check up as the pain I am feeling in my chest does feel as if its actually on my breastbone and surrounding area. The osteopath in question has done wonders for my whole family in the past - so I am expecting great things. Maybe being hunched over a keyboard for 8 hours a day has finally done something to me! Needless to say I shall be "self certing" myself off work for as long as possible. Enough time to chill as much as I can and time to see the doctors and the osteopath. It could be related to stress I suppose although I don't feel I have anything to be stressed about. Work is easy and my home life is very good. I will be going back to see the Cardiologist in around 10 weeks for the Echo Scan so until then - and when the results come in a few weeks after - I will not know for sure if there is something wrong with my heart. But at the moment it all points to nothing serious.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
The Boy Who Heard Music
Hot on the heels of us creative wordy types over at Handshandy, Pete Townshend of The Who fame has began to tread our path by posting two chapters of his novella over at his Blogspot blog. I have’nt read the whole thing (yet) so if you can be bothered, let me know what its all about.
Sure makes better reading than Pamela Anderson's blog though!
Oh. And Pete uses a Mac by the way. Why does’nt that surprise me?
Technorati Tags: the who, pete townshend, blogger, novella, novel, pamela anderson, handshandy, celebrityWednesday, October 05, 2005
So next week Apple are doing another of their Invite only announcements and the rumors circulating the Internet is that they are going to announce a Video iPod. I reckon it’s going to be called a ViPod.
Although Uber iGod Steve Jobs recently said that they were not planning a video version of the popular iPod range as "no-one had got it quite right yet" - this does not mean that they will not do so. As with any Apple product, the security has been kept tight as ever but with other product enhancements, like a new range of the popular iMac Mini and possibly a new range of "Professional Mac Workstations" in the offing, the announcement could be not what we are expecting (or predicting).
I for one did not expect them to announce the iPod Nano. That was a total surprise. Read from that event that Apple still have the upper hand on this and could announce something totally new that we have not expected.
People have already found links within the newest versions of the iTunes software that appear to link to some sort of downloadable movie content - the same as they did when they found that iTunes also contained code for exporting to the new ROKR iTunes mobile phone before Apple and Mr Moto (officially) announced the device.
Engadget have already posted a possible sneaky shot of the Video iPod. It kind of looks how I would expect it to look if there was such a device. But Steve Jobs has got to have something clever up his sleeve to make this work.
Seeing how the majority of portable video players out there support various formats, including the BitTorrent's friend, "DivX", would I pay £xxx for a device that only allowed me to download content to the player via iTunes and in a format decided by Apple? Hell no. I don't do that with the music on iTunes at the moment. It takes what i feed it (and loves it)!
Or will they be releasing a new version of iTunes at the same time that will convert my DivX, Avi and Mpeg files to their copyrighted locked down Quicktime format? Only time will tell. The dudes over at Engadget have already reported that someone has found information in iTunes regarding the Microsoft WMV format - which can also be copy protected.
When, not if, the device is launched, stand by to subscribe to iPorn and iVidcasting too by the way...
Technorati Tags: ipod, apple, video ipod, steve jobs, itunes, music, video